Friday, January 3, 2014


According to the World Health Organization, 3.4 million people die each year due to lack of access to clean drinking water.  Thankfully, organizations like Living Waters for the World are working to reduce the number.  Prozone Water Products has contributed more than $100,000 towards the installation of more than 800 water purification systems by Living Waters teams since 2004.  With the help of other manufacturers in the water industry, they hope to continue expanding the efforts and saving lives.

Most of the 780 million people who lack access to clean water are in developing countries and much of Living Water's work is in South and Central America.  There are also teams currently active in the Appalachia region of the US, primarily in Eastern Tennessee and Kentucky. As of January 1, 2012, over 60 clean water systems were installed in 6 communities in the United States of America. 

Prozone CEO, Ron Barnes, realized even before he founded his company that the ozone generator he invented could provide a clean water solution for third world countries because it was relatively inexpensive, reliable with low maintenance, and would run on low power.  Before becoming a physicist, he'd considered seminary.  Years later, partnering with Living Waters presented an opportunity to live out his desires to help the world's least fortunate by sharing the technology he'd had the God-given talent to invent.

Prozone provides  UV, ozone, and Advanced Oxidation systems that purify water on site with easy installation, little maintenance, and complete sanitation. The EPA certified technology produces no harmful byproducts or other environmental concerns for communities.  "With the partnership of other manufacturers and suppliers in the water industry, we can exponentially influence the effectiveness of general donations by providing required hardware at reduced or no cost.  Our specific need right now is for a pump manufacturer and a filter manufacturer to join our team," says Barnes. 

Living Waters trains operating partners (local, in-country partners responsible for the sustainability of the program) to construct a clean water system on site and lead ongoing health, hygiene & spiritual education. Initiating partners (typically U.S.-based partners) teach, coach, and ultimately empower operating partners. 

Living Waters for the World's Campaign for Clean Water program allows businesses to directly help fund specific projects.  A $7500 donation delivers a water system serving a community of 200 to 2000, local leaders trained and empowered to operate and maintain water system and lead health education, and funds to ensure long-term system sustainability.  A funding partner representative is invited to accompany the team on an installation/education trip.  With Campaign for Clean Water, you aren't just making a donation, but also directly involved in a specific project where you can see the impact of your gift. 

To become a manufacturing partner or award a grant, contact Steve Young at  Learn more about Prozone Water Products at  

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