Friday, July 11, 2014

One more reason to use ozone on your pool....

A new study recently hit the press with alarming headlines such as, “Peeing in The Pool May Cause Heart, Lung Problems,”; “Urinating in the Swimming Pool Could Result in a Deadly Chemical Weapon”; and “Some People Pee in the Pool — and It’s Hurting Our Health.”  The authors said the experiments showed uric acid, when combined with chlorine, efficiently contribute to the formation of cyanogen chloride (CNCl) and trichloramine (NCl3), the nitrogen-containing byproducts that can have negative health effects when inhaled. NCL3 has been linked to lung injury, while CNCl is toxic and can affect organs such as the lungs, heart and central nervous system. The authors also said the addition of uric acid to chlorine may be a significant contributor to the formation of CNCl in pools. Read the full article from Pool and Spa News

Ideally no one, not even competitive swimmers, would pee in the pool.  However, pool owners and recreational facilities can prevent the occurrence of chemical by-products by adding an Ozone or AOP system.  Whether from interacting with urine, sweat, or other biologicals in water, chemicals do leave behind by-products.  These chemical by-products, not the chemical itself, are the actual culprit of water complaints such as odor, red eyes, itchy skin, discolored hair, and swimsuit fading.

Ozone interacts with chemical by-products and completely removes them from water.  Chlorine is recycled back to it's free form, so it can continue to work as a residual sanitizer.  Additionally, Ozone/AOP eliminates biologicals and other impurities from water as it flows through the return system so that water is sparkling clean and clear.  Chlorine usage can be reduced up to 70%, further eliminating the threat of harmful by-products, saving money on chemicals, and reducing maintenance of balancing water chemistry.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Tech speak: Advanced Oxidation Processing

Ozone and ultraviolet sanitation both have their pros and cons - but new technologies combine both for superior results

Pristine, sanitized, non-toxic water is the goal of all recreational water owners and operators. However, not all chemical sanitation and oxidation treatments are created equal.
The challenges of eliminating toxic chemicals and their byproducts while maintaining water sanitation and oxidation have led consumers and health officials to search for chemical-limited (or reduced chemical) solutions to water treatment. Unfortunately, this search has opened the door to highly promoted "alternative sanitizers," some of which are less effective than others.
This has inspired some manufacturers to develop Advanced Oxidation Processing (AOP) solutions. AOP devices produce hydroxyl radicals (OH-), which constitute a highly potent oxidizer. Hydroxyl radicals are created when ozone is used in conjunction with intense ultraviolet (UV) light and water. To produce hydroxyl radicals, ozone is injected into water that is irradiated by VUV light, or water vapor within a VUV ozone generator.

Ozone and UV
Ozone systems oxidize contaminants such as E. coliLegionella, and most bacteria and viruses very rapidly. Yet some of the most toxic contaminants can be difficult to destroy, even with ozone. A high ozone concentration is necessary for the more resistant strains of Cryptosporidium, for example - this parasite calls for an ozone generator package geared toward large commercial pools and water features.
Meanwhile, ultraviolet sterilizers have been widely used in the water industry for decades. The method destroys dangerous organisms' DNA, preventing their reproduction. Though UVC is often touted as having the capacity to convert chloramines to free chlorine, only high pressure UVB lamps have been shown to possess that capability.  
However, by combining the two technologies of ozone generation and low pressure UVC (a wavelength found in germicidal lamps), the Advanced Oxidation Process has emerged as a new solution for oxidizing and sanitizing hard-to-remove contaminants, such as Cryptosporidium's cystic form, compound chloramines and pharmaceutical residuals.

What is AOP?
AOP is the conversion of ozone by ultraviolet rays on the UVC wavelength, in the presence of water, to form high-energy hydroxyl radicals.
Hydroxyls function in a manner similar to hydrogen peroxide, which is increasingly common for use as an oxidation shock in pools.  However, the hydroxyl radical energy level generated in the AOP process is higher than that generated by hydrogen peroxide alone.  

When ozone and AOP are mixed into the stream of water, they oxidize many resistant chemicals, which are known as Advanced Toxic Contaminants (ATCs). These include free organisms such as Cryptosporidium, Giardia and Legionella; pharmaceuticals, herbicides and insecticides; and cleaning byproducts such as chloramines.
 AOP also produces a short-term active residual, as well as a long-acting hydrogen peroxide residual that will continue to sanitize and provide a measurably increased ORP

How is AOP produced?
There are two major methods for producing AOP, both of which are applicable to swimming pool and spa water. 
The first method is to produce ozone with an ozone generator - of either the vacuum-ultraviolet (VUV) or corona discharge (CD) type - and mix that ozone with a stream of water. This ozonated water is then exposed to germicidal UVC downstream. This combination of ozone, UVC and water generates hydroxyl radicals, which are used up rapidly due to their high reaction rate.
 The second method uses a VUV ozone generator to both create ozone and generate hydroxyl radicals. In this method, two dominant UV wavelengths - the 185 nm (VUV) ozone-producing frequency and the 254 nm (UVC) germicidal frequency - are generated from the mercury arc.
 VUV systems that generate both ozone and hydroxyls are common in the pool and spa industry. In these systems, the VUV within the generator converts oxygen to ozone. This ozone is then exposed to the germicidal UVC, and to water vapor, to produce hydroxyl radicals and hydrogen peroxide.
 In 2006, a third AOP design was developed - this hybrid design controls the lamp contamination variables, and also adds enhanced generation of both ozone and hydroxyl formation. The ozone generator contains both ozone producing VUV and germicidal UVC, plus high voltage electrical fields produced by a high-frequency power supply, and rectifiers to accelerate the AOP process.

AOP Advantages
These designs offer certain advantages over traditional corona discharge or ultraviolet systems. Aside from the mechanical benefits of typical VUV ozone generators - such as simplicity, long life and effective biological destruction - they also offer a number of unique attributes. Chief among these is the fact that AOP systems produce a gaseous form of hydroxyl radicals for both air and water, which generate potent chemical reactions that can effectively destroy contaminants. 
The logistical advantages are also significant: AOP can be quickly added to existing circulation systems, adding these capabilities without significant increases in cost or complexity over a traditional ozone system. In addition, AOP meets current and proposed health standards, because it is used as an oxidizer as an adjunct to existing sanitation systems.
 For all these reasons, AOP may be an ideal solution for larger pools that must deal with contaminant concerns - particularly in areas where state or municipal laws require quick and effective treatment of these issues. If a traditional ozone or UV system isn't meeting all the pool's needs, it could be time to look into the more powerful sanitization AOP can provide. 

For more on AOP and Prozone Water Products, visit

About Ron Barnes:
Ron Barnes, Inventor and Prozone CEO, began his work with ozone in 1965 when he applied the technology to aircraft water and air as a physicist and engineer for  Beech Aircraft.  He became aware that Advanced Oxidation Processing (AOP) was "part of the process" very early on after inventing Prozone's first ozone system for pools in 1977.  Today, he continues to devise new and more effective ways to sanitize water.  He currently holds 38 patents related to ozone, AOP, contacting, and air/water purification.  While he still focuses much of his work in the pool and spa industry, his expertise has been sought out for environmental clean up, drinking water sanitation, and a variety of other applications.  

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Prozone's Eco Master voted to Top 50 Products for 2014

HUNTSVILLE, AL--   Prozone’s Eco Master has been voted one of the Top 50 Products for 2014 by readers of Pool & Spa News.  The  top 50 products are the result of reader response to the magazine's annual New Products Supplement. Information on this list is based on data provided by manufacturers.

The Eco Master combines Germicidal UV with Ozone and Advanced Oxidation Processing to deliver the most powerful non-chemical, non-chlorine, non-mineral oxidation and purification currently available for pools and spas through patented hybrid technology.  Ron Barnes, Inventor and Prozone CEO, first became aware that Advanced Oxidation Processing (AOP) was "part of the process" very early on after inventing Prozone's first Ozone system for pools in 1977.  "The technology isn't new to us", says Barnes.  "The EcoMaster is as much about the patented AOP generator and contactor as the technology.  AOP happens fast.  You have to get it into the water quickly."

The EcoMaster, like all of Prozone's designs, features an all in one design for easy installation.   The system is covered by eighteen US patents, international patents, and patents pending.  The EcoMaster is the newest in Prozone's catalogue of eco-friendly, easy to maintain, and cost efficient products for air and water and is available through pool professionals and distributors world-wide. 

Prozone WaterProducts is located in Huntsville, Alabama and is a pioneer in the pool/spa water industry.  In addition to turn-key products for recreational pool and spa (like the Eco Master), Prozone also provides custom solutions for commercial, recreational water projects and a variety of industries where water sanitation is pertinent.  Recent projects include groundwater rehabilitation from chemical spills and drinking water purification for developing countries.  

POOL & SPA NEWS is the premier information source of hot product news, insightful marketing and management tips, and top-notch design ideas for professionals in the pool and spa industry. 

View the full list of TOP 50 Products of 2014.   

Friday, April 11, 2014

Ron Barnes shares his expertise on Advanced Oxidation Processing

Ron Barnes, Prozone CEO and Inventor, first became aware that Advanced Oxidation Processing (AOP) was 'part of the process' very early on after inventing Prozone's first Ozone system for pools in 1977.  Papers presented in the 1980s by NASA scientists about hydroxyl radicals and AOP in the atmosphere confirmed his theory. 'The technology isn't new to us', says Barnes.

Barnes recently shared his expertise on the process and benefit of AOP as a featured speaker during the Western Pool and Spa Show.  View his AOP presentation here if you missed it.

Comment your AOP questions and Mr. Barnes will answer them in a future blog post.

Friday, March 21, 2014


Cherie Brook, president of Prozone Water Products, will be the featured guest on "HomeTalk with Michael King".  The interview will air nationwide this Saturday, March 22, from 10:00-10:30am.  Listen live at or on your local radio station (search local stations) to learn more about ozone generators in the home and for pool and spa.  Topics include ozone, advanced oxidation processing, home/pool sanitation, chlorine reduction, and cost savings.

Prozone Water Products is a world leader in ozone generator manufacturing and ozone applications engineering.  Prozone's history in the water sanitation industry dates back to 1977 with the prototype for the first U.S. engineered and manufactured ozone system for pools.  New technologies and processes continue to set the industry standards.  Prozone holds 38 patents related to ozone, AOP, contacting, and air/water purification.  Visit

HomeTalk was co-created and is hosted by Michael King, an experienced, state-licensed general contractor. HomeTalk discusses many topics and issues concerning home improvements, introduces the consumer to new and innovative products, provides access to industry experts, protects homeowners from consumer fraud, holds the home improvement industry accountable for its business practices, and advocates for a fair and mutual relationship between the consumer and the contractor.

Friday, January 24, 2014

"It's like this crazy, psycho molecule that has to kill everything, it's so radical"

These are the words Beverly Hanstrom, president of Colorado Medical Waste, Inc., used to describe the ozone utilized in her company's state of the art waste processing facility in Aurora, Colorado.  The facility will be only the third of its kind in the United States that uses ozone to completely sterilize contaminated medical waste before grinding it up and incinerating it, leaving zero matter for landfills.

"I'm trying to do something really good and worthwhile for the quality of life all over Colorado," [Hanstrom] said. "It will truly change everything once it picks up."

Friday, January 3, 2014


According to the World Health Organization, 3.4 million people die each year due to lack of access to clean drinking water.  Thankfully, organizations like Living Waters for the World are working to reduce the number.  Prozone Water Products has contributed more than $100,000 towards the installation of more than 800 water purification systems by Living Waters teams since 2004.  With the help of other manufacturers in the water industry, they hope to continue expanding the efforts and saving lives.

Most of the 780 million people who lack access to clean water are in developing countries and much of Living Water's work is in South and Central America.  There are also teams currently active in the Appalachia region of the US, primarily in Eastern Tennessee and Kentucky. As of January 1, 2012, over 60 clean water systems were installed in 6 communities in the United States of America. 

Prozone CEO, Ron Barnes, realized even before he founded his company that the ozone generator he invented could provide a clean water solution for third world countries because it was relatively inexpensive, reliable with low maintenance, and would run on low power.  Before becoming a physicist, he'd considered seminary.  Years later, partnering with Living Waters presented an opportunity to live out his desires to help the world's least fortunate by sharing the technology he'd had the God-given talent to invent.

Prozone provides  UV, ozone, and Advanced Oxidation systems that purify water on site with easy installation, little maintenance, and complete sanitation. The EPA certified technology produces no harmful byproducts or other environmental concerns for communities.  "With the partnership of other manufacturers and suppliers in the water industry, we can exponentially influence the effectiveness of general donations by providing required hardware at reduced or no cost.  Our specific need right now is for a pump manufacturer and a filter manufacturer to join our team," says Barnes. 

Living Waters trains operating partners (local, in-country partners responsible for the sustainability of the program) to construct a clean water system on site and lead ongoing health, hygiene & spiritual education. Initiating partners (typically U.S.-based partners) teach, coach, and ultimately empower operating partners. 

Living Waters for the World's Campaign for Clean Water program allows businesses to directly help fund specific projects.  A $7500 donation delivers a water system serving a community of 200 to 2000, local leaders trained and empowered to operate and maintain water system and lead health education, and funds to ensure long-term system sustainability.  A funding partner representative is invited to accompany the team on an installation/education trip.  With Campaign for Clean Water, you aren't just making a donation, but also directly involved in a specific project where you can see the impact of your gift. 

To become a manufacturing partner or award a grant, contact Steve Young at  Learn more about Prozone Water Products at  

PROZONE Advanced Oxidation Processing units save city of Klamath Falls, Oregon tens of thousands of dollars annually

Prozone is best known for making swimming pools and spas crystal clear and clean.  The same technology we're famous for in swimming pools has been applied to a myriad of sanitation issues.  Below we look at the application of Prozone's Advanced Oxidation Processing to waste water treatment.  While the mess cleaned up is bigger than we typically see in the Pool and Spa industry, the savings and efficiency of AOP over chlorine remains.

Problem:  Chlorine treatment of waste water for Hydrogen Sulfate was expensive and ineffective for the city of Klamath Falls, Oregon.  With $10,000/month in chemical expense, the H2S levels were averaging 19.33 PPM at 4.5 miles downstream of pump station.

Solution:  Titus Industrial Group, Inc. reached out to Prozone Water Products on the city's behalf.  Engineers collaborated to replace chlorine with Prozone's Advanced Oxidation Processing units.  Three units were installed on 10/31/2013.

 Result:  $16,000 ROI achieved in first six weeks and maintenance costs are cut by 90% annually.  H2S levels dropped from average of 19.33 PPM to 8 PPM.  FOG in pump chamber and corrosion/sludge in wet well are eliminated.  Odor in wet well significantly reduced. 

AOP eliminates more than twice the impurities of chlorine and saves Klamath Falls $100,000 in the very first year of operation. Saving grows in year two after the initial start-up costs have been returned.